Having your little one help out with the chores can fill them with a sense a pride and set them up for valuable skills throughout their lives. Children as young as 2 can partake in chores and should be encouraged to help often and routinely. Here are some age-appropriate chores for your toddler and preschool aged kids:
Ages 2-3
- Place their plates or silverware in the sink (or bring them to mom or dad if they can’t reach)
- Throw away trash
- Wipe down the cupboards, floor or refrigerator with a damp washcloth
- Pick up toys and put them in their designated spots
- Help with feeding the family pet
- Put dirty clothes in hamper
- Toss diapers/pull-ups into the trash can
- Get themselves dressed/pick out clothes for the day
- Dry dishes and put them away (the ones they can reach)
- Put clothes in dryer
Ages 4-5
- Everything from the list above
- Make their bed
- Clean their bedroom and organize books and toys
- Lay out their clothes/outfit and dress themselves
- Make their own food – something easy like a sandwich or pouring a drink
- Fold laundry and put it away
- Sweep the floor
- Wipe down the table and counter tops (in reach)
- Help clean dishes in the sink/load the dishwasher
- Pull weeds
- Water plants
Ages 6-7
- Vacuum
- Help with outdoor chores (rake the leaves, put away outdoor toys, pick up dog poop etc.)
- Get the mail (if appropriate)
- Unload the dishwasher and put dishes away
- Cut up vegetables for dinner
- Help pack backpack and lunch
- Help put groceries away
- Load the dishwasher