How to Choose a Safe Baby Gate

A baby looks through a safety gate by the stairs

Whether you have one child or your family looks more like the Brady Bunch, you know how difficult it can be to juggle all the demands of parenting. You can’t keep your eye on them all of the time; you still have to cook dinner, do laundry, and sleep at some point! Choosing a good baby gate will keep them safe and help you keep your peace of mind.


Baby Gates are a Household Essential

It’s not a thought parents and caregivers like to entertain, but accidents can happen with kids. They’re curious and love to explore, even if that means stumbling down the stairs or breaking some expensive china in the process. So, keep your kids and belongings safe with a gate.

Although we’re confident in your abilities as a super-parent, you can’t always be around to watch them like a hawk.

It’s still a good idea to have extra precautions in place for your children. Kids can do things like:

  • get into things
  • have hyper-curiosity
  • sleepwalk
  • climb
  • follow you everywhere

Parents, you deserve to take your bathroom breaks in peace, even when the kids aren’t at daycare or grandma’s house. Knowing your little one has a safe space to play alone for a few moments will help them flourish and alleviate some of your parental anxiety.


Types of Baby Gates

It might be hard to tell the difference when you’re browsing baby gates online, but it’s important to note the distinctions between them. The main types of gates are:

  • hardware-mounted
  • pressure-mounted


Hardware-Mounted Baby Gates for the Stairs

Hardware-mounted gates bolt directly into the framing of your walls. They’ll be accommodating when it comes time to install a baby gate for the stairs. The physical bolting to the wall will provide extra stability.

This type of gate is the most ideal for preventing a child from falling down the stairs. It will require screws and drilling for installation, so make sure to grab your toolbox. As long as you read the instruction manual, you shouldn’t struggle to piece it together.

Baby-proofing your home doesn’t have to mean compromising its aesthetic. You can find a baby gate for the stairs with a simple mesh fabric. This retractable gate will be sleek when you’re not using it and won’t stick out like a sore thumb when you are.

If you’re looking for an option that you can set up in no time, check out the Safety 1st hardware-mounted gate. This baby gate for the stairs is easy to install; all you will need is a screwdriver and some screws, of course.


Pressure-Mounted Gates

Do you need to keep your kids out of the office or prevent them from invading the kitchen during dinner prep? Pressure-mounted gates are perfect for doorways and won’t require installation. This gate works by wedging itself between two opposing walls, like an accordion. It’s super convenient for keeping little ones away from the non-kid-proof parts of your home.

While pressure-mounted gates are handy, they’re not secure enough to completely prevent a child from falling down the stairs. To guarantee maximum safety, don’t use this option as a baby gate for the stairs.

If you’re looking for a gate that you won’t have to wiggle through, check out the Regalo safety gate. It has an extra-wide walkway so you can easily travel, even with a baby on your side. In addition, since it’s pressure-mounted, you can use it in every room of your house.

While investing in a baby gate is a wise parenting move, it’s totally up to you to decide what kind to buy. Don’t let backseat parents make you question your instincts; we’re confident you know what option is best for your child!