Daycares are everywhere, and you might even utilize one for your child. But what does it take to work at one? What are the actual ins and out for the people employed there? Let’s take a closer look at the different types of daycare jobs and what those positions entail.
What are the Different Daycare Jobs?
Several different daycare jobs are available at your local daycare, and they each have an essential role in keeping children safe, happy, and cared for while their parents are away. So, let’s look at each and what they require, both in terms of duties and background.
5 Daycare Job Positions
- Daycare director
- Administrative assistant
- Preschool teacher
- Teacher’s assistant
- Daycare custodian
Director of a daycare center – The daycare center director is responsible for overseeing the entire daycare, from hiring, training, and supervising staff, to the development and delivery of programs. They may also be required to meet with parents and teachers about the children’s progress. Additionally, they are responsible for the daycare center’s budget and marketing.
If you are interested in the daycare center director job, it usually requires a degree in early childhood education. Along with the academic degree, most daycares would desire several years of experience working with children. In conjunction with that, states and employers may look for the potential director to obtain certification to run a daycare center.
Daycare center’s administrative assistant – The assistant works primarily with the daycare center’s director. Their daycare job is to assist the director with clerical duties, answer phones, file, schedule appointments, manage payroll and billing, handle contact information for all the children enrolled in the daycare, from infants to preschoolers, and keep records of all prospective students. Some employers look for administrative assistants to have prior experience in a school or daycare before getting hired, but a college degree is not always necessary.
Preschool or daycare center teacher – For this daycare job, the individual would be responsible for teaching the students of the daycare different subjects, such as reading, writing, science, and math. Being a daycare center or preschool teacher requires exceptional communication skills, both when working with the children and when meeting with the parents/caregivers and sharing how their children are doing.
To become a preschool or daycare center teacher, you must have a high school diploma. Some states also require a college degree and certification in early childhood education, so you can verify what is required in your state.
A preschool teacher’s assistant or daycare center teacher’s assistant – This critical daycare job is for those who assist the teacher in the classroom. The assistant may be called on to help during group activities, being another set of hands during field trips or for recess, or may have set duties, such as attendance or organizing other set activities. They are considered a fixture in the classroom, as much as the teacher.
If you want to become a teacher’s assistant, most states expect a teacher’s assistant to have a high school degree and additional certification in education. In addition, many daycares might also require certification in first aid and CPR.
A daycare center custodian – A critical piece of the daycare center is the daycare custodian. They ensure that the staff and children have a safe and hygienic environment to come to every day. The daycare custodian works directly with the director to implement cleaning procedures. The usual duties would encompass cleaning and sanitizing diaper changing areas and play stations, cleaning washrooms, and disinfecting all common areas.
There are many daycare jobs available, with varying titles and duties. If it’s something you might be interested in, reach out to The Breakie Bunch Learning Center, and let’s see if we’re a fit!