
Social Development in Preschoolers

The social development of preschoolers has a profound impact on their social and emotional interactions with adults and peers as they get older. Learning to interact with others while developing their own identity and individuality in their community is not always an easy task. Fortunately, encourag

Play-Based Learning

Children have a natural desire to explore and learn about the world around them. Playing with a child opens us up to see the world from a completely different perspective, and it can be magical. What we might not realize is when our kids are taking us on adventures through the backyard, making us pr

Benefits of Puzzles for Kids

a preschool aged girl working on a puzzle at a table
Preschool children are continuously curious and inquisitive. Our job as parents is to support and nurture this curiosity to develop skills and increase cognitive thinking. One way we can encourage mindful play is through the use of puzzles. Your child will have a blast with the puzzle, while you can