
Bottle to Cup

Baby drinking milk from a bottle
The transition from bottle to cup comes with many challenges. Not only does it feel like the end of an era as a parent, but it can be very difficult for the child as well. The average age of the bottle to cup transition is 12-18 months. However, the sweet spot may be a month […]

How to Teach Your Toddler to Share

Infants learning to share blocks
We learn from a very young age that sharing is caring. When it comes to teaching toddlers to share, there can be a bit of a learning curve. From toys to snacks, children will inevitably want what another child is playing with. Without the rules of sharing, this can be explosive. Please keep reading

How to Deal with Backseat Parenting

Dad has fun playing with child
One of the most challenging jobs in the world is being a parent, and sometimes outside and unnecessary opinions make doing that job a lot more complicated. While navigating the world of parenthood comes with its own unique set of challenges, backseat parenting from others can be a frustrating part o

10 Tips for Your Family Road Trip

A family in a car going on a road trip.
A road trip with the kids is a rite of passage, though not without challenges. It’s often the most practical way to travel with your family. The biggest reason being the cost to fly your family to your destination can be extremely expensive. Taking a road trip with kids can be budget-friendly and

2021 Family Activities in Goodrich

Little girls blowing party confetti.
As we get ready to welcome 2021, finding activities and things to do is a little different from most years in the past. Although we are limited due to the pandemic, there’s still lots of fun family activities you can do safely. From festivals to escape rooms and more, there’s plenty to look forw

2021 Activities in Waterford

Kids blowing bubbles at a park.
As of right now, the future is a bit cloudy, but there are still events to look forward to in Waterford come 2021. There are ways to stay safe and socially distant when going out. To stay safe in public, you can: Wear a mask. Wash your hands regularly. Avoiding touching your face and mouth […