Kindergarten is a big deal. Not just because it’s when we first see our babies off into a formal school setting (grab the tissues), but also because it’s the foundational year for academic success throughout a child’s life. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten is the title of
Wondering what to do at home to keep your little ones learning when they’re not at daycare? Mimicking daycare activities gives kids a sense of familiarity which sets them up for success, and the activities we’re highlighting today offer play-based fun that little ones love. If you’ve got a tod
In this blog, we’ll highlight the most important things to look for when you’re amid a daycare search. We know that some factors are more relevant for different families than others (cost, length of commute, waiting list, etc.). But, we also want to help you understand what makes for excellent q
Every parent at least once in their lives has heard those two dreaded words every child mutters: “I’m Bored!” Even the child who is most excited about the end of the school year will not get through the summer break without mumbling that phrase at least once. So what as parents are
It’s no secret that raising children today is a tough job. With all of the influences they have in their lives, keeping them on the right path is never easy. One area that will never be “out of style” when it comes to raising good kids is teaching them manners. Children who are taught [
Few things strike fear into the hearts of parents more than the word “cancer” – particularly when it involves their children. While cancer in children tends to be rare, it can happen and there are things that parents should be on the lookout for. Always be observant of any sudden changes in yo
Camping with small children – even infants and toddlers doesn’t have to be the nightmarish experience you might think it would be. After all – you haven’t lived until you warmed a bottle over a campfire at 3:00 am! If camping is something you enjoy doing then there’s no reason that you sho
Gardening is not only a soothing and relaxing hobby for you, it’s also a great way to stimulate your baby’s or toddler’s senses and instill in them the love for growing things. Gardening with your children doesn’t have to be a large or long and drawn out process – in fact, this can
One day you’re bringing your new little bundle of joy home from the hospital, the next day they’re off to kindergarten and the day after that they are off to college. Ok, it’s not QUITE that fast but you get the idea – time flies when you’re having fun. Because it won’t be long until [&h
While for some parents, sending their children to camp for the majority of the summer seems as natural as breathing, while for others it’s an 8-week guilt trip. It is difficult for us as parents to send our children away for extended periods of time, especially when the children suffer from