In the blink of an eye, your little baby has grown like a weed and just keeps learning more things by the day! Toddlers are fun and complex little people, but we understand that navigating toddler milestones can be tricky. Three-year-old development milestones are some of the biggest changes you wil
The period of time when your little baby turns into a walking, talking toddler can come with a lot of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, and even sadness are all normal feelings as your child ages. One thing that unfortunately unites all parents is stress because it’s stressful raising a human –
Raising your child can sometimes feel like a whirlwind, especially as the school years are approaching! With so many options for infant care, preschool, and summer camps, how are you supposed to know which daycare is the best for your child? If you’ve ever wondered, “Could it be the daycare near
Playing outside and soaking up the sunshine are some of the best things you can do with your child. Turn those screens off and get ready to discover the hidden park gems of Waterford, Michigan. Whether you’ve just moved to the area or are looking for a new and unique spot to take your child [&hell
Every job has its requirements, both educational and personal, that allow someone to be a standout in its field. But how does one become a spectacular preschool teacher? Do you have to be a blood relative of Mr. Rogers to speak the unique language of children? Let’s look at the requirements an
It’s cold outside, and the prospect of a long, dark winter trying to think of toddler activities strikes fear in your heart. Don’t despair! Here are some fun winter activities that will have you writing an essay on “What I Did Over the Winter” to capture all the memories! 7 Fun Outdoor
You are ready to sign your little one up for daycare, and each facility promises they are wonderful and offer the latest in childhood development. They all seem bright and fantastic, so how do you know which is best? Look to the teachers. Here are some of the finest qualities to consider in a daycar
Daycares are everywhere, and you might even utilize one for your child. But what does it take to work at one? What are the actual ins and out for the people employed there? Let’s take a closer look at the different types of daycare jobs and what those positions entail. What are the Differen
December 28,2022
How Do You Know You’d Be a Good Daycare Teacher?
People have always said you won’t work a day if you do what you love. Growing up, were you always the first to offer to babysit? Was playing school your favorite pastime? If so, consider getting a daycare job and turning your childhood games into a career that feels more like a fun time.  
December 21,2022
What Are the Benefits of Working as a Preschool Teacher?
You finally did it. You’ve jumped through all the hoops, taken the classes, gotten the certificates, and started your dream job: you’re a preschool teacher! You bumped into your old high school friend, Sally, and she asked what you do. How can you fill her in on all the benefits of having a