Balance Bikes vs. Training Wheels

Training wheels have been around for generations, but balance bikes didn’t become popular in the U.S. until about 2007. You probably learned how to ride a bike using training wheels when you were a kid. If you have kids that want to learn how to ride a bike, chances are, you have wondered if you should stick to training wheels for your child or opt for a balance bike. Us, too. So, we did some research to determine the differences between the two!


What are Training Wheels?

Training wheels are two small additional wheels mounted to either side of the rear wheel of a bicycle to help assist with balance when learning to ride a bike. While adult versions exist, they are most commonly used to teach young children how to ride a bike.


What’s a Balance Bike?

A balance bike is a bike without pedals. While it has a frame, wheels, and handlebars, it has no drivetrain. This bike helps children learn how to ride a bike by teaching them to balance while seated and in motion.


3 Pros of Balance Bikes

  • Size
  • Weight
  • Transition


The Size of the Balance Bike 

The size of the bike is much better suited for younger children. It’s ironic, but most kids’ bikes with training wheels aren’t made to fit smaller kids. The bike seat starts as low as 10” off the ground.


The Weight of the Balance Bike

If you have handled a kid’s bike with training wheels, you know that it can feel clunky and a bit heavy, making it hard for your child to move it without any assistance. Balance bikes are smaller, narrower, and about half the weight of a bike with training wheels!


Transitioning from Balance Bike to Regular Bike

Since these bikes don’t have training wheels or pedals and focus purely on balance, kids already have the balance part down when they transition to a real bike! In addition, the bike teaches a child to balance, steer, and overall control. These are all skills that come in handy when learning to ride a bike!


3 Pros of Training Wheels

  • Age
  • Adjustment
  • Options


Training Wheels are Great for Certain Ages

If your child is around four years old and wants to learn how to ride a bike, bikes with training wheels are a perfect choice. They are the perfect height for your child and will teach them how to pedal at that age.


You Can Adjust Bikes with Training Wheels

You can make several adjustments to bikes with training wheels, including the training wheels themselves! You can also adjust the seat higher or lower as your child grows with the bike. Finally, as they gain more confidence, you can remove the training wheels altogether.


There are Several Options

A great thing about bikes with training wheels is that they have been around for ages. This has provided numerous bike options, including colors, stickers, decals, sizes, and other smaller accessories. Kids love being able to personalize their bicycles.

And there you have it! There are many pros for both, but ultimately you must decide what bike would be best for your child. Keep in mind how they learn and what you believe would be the best fit. Whether your kids are sharing a bike, or you got them each their own to avoid meltdowns, either choice will be great! Before you know it, you’ll be moving them up to a big-kid bike and wondering where time has gone!