Author: admin

Respiratory Issues in Children

Child using nebulizer
All children – particularly those aged eleven and under – have experienced some type of respiratory distress at some point or another, in fact, some even have many during a calendar year. There are two parts to the respiratory system that can be affected: the upper respiratory system which inclu

Teaching Children About Dental Health

Child brushing teeth
It’s never too soon to teach your children about the importance of good oral health and get them in to a routine that will carry them throughout their lives. While some children will take to the task at hand easily and without much fuss, everyone learns differently and may take a little extra coax

Time-Saving Tips for Parents

Sign that says time is precious
Life itself is an unpredictable ride – but when you add children and the craziness of their schedules to the mix, it becomes even crazier. It’s no wonder that as parents we sometimes feel there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. It’s impossible to completely avoid chaos